Posted in Features
In the face of current events- you are not alone. At the end of what may have been an extremely trying year full of disappointment and loss-you are not alone. In the face of a dream which seems impossible- you are not alone. Whatever successes or failures you’ve had, what statistics reveal or do not reveal about your situation-you are not alone. In spite of the unpredictability or undesirability of your circumstances, God’s presence will follow you everywhere you go.
In Part 1 of this series we talked about committing ourselves to a secret place of prayer as Jesus did, to communicate with God, not because of ritual or obligation, but from a hunger to be nourished by love. This enables us to live with purpose, because we learn we are sons and daughters of a good and loving God and father.
This awakening allows us to walk with bravery and assurance in every situation we encounter, because we already have the tools to win. One thing I have learned about my secret place with the Lord is, it is not just a place where I can go, it’s a place of peace that becomes a part of me.
What are you looking at?
If Jesus is calling you to walk on water, what enables you to do so are not the circumstances surrounding the situation, but God’s hand beckoning you to come. The world is constantly changing and peace of the world is sadly inconsistent, but Christ is never changing and a solid foundation.
Jesus gave us peace, but not as the world gives (John 14:27), so we are able to navigate unexpected detours, with confidence in a present, all-powerful God. There is always a reservoir of peace just waiting to be tapped into below a seemingly impermeable surface.
John 16:33
I’ve told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you’ll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world.”
The peace of God is the watchman of our hearts, and a shield guarding our essence. It allows us to roam uncharted territories, which lie beyond our level of understanding (Philippians 4:7). Whatever you may be facing: fear, frustration, lack of resources or time, the peace and love of God is more real and powerful than any obstacle we face. Jesus, is the the Prince of Peace and He will not leave us as orphans (John 14:18), because He loves us.
You have the power to bring order to anything you face, standing on the foundation of peace. Will you believe that Christ in you makes you more powerful than you can imagine? Will you let truth guide you live in peace? Let your time in the secret place empower you to rise to the occasion. Got get it guys!
Peace and love,
By K.Love
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